posted by Lexing Xie

This is the overview page for the citation survival rate of many computer science conferences, using data from microsoft academic graph. For a general discussion of data process, and why we are doing this, see the overview blog post. For other visualizations on this dataset, see the citation flow summary page, or details about individual conferences below.

Left to right above: ACL on natural language processing, PLDI on programming language design and implementation, ISMB on bioinformatics, and SIGGRAPH on computer graphics.


  • How is citation survival computed? It is the fraction of papers from a conference that are cited at least once more than X years after publication. This plot and its name was coined and first implemented for ACL by Jacob Eisenstein.
  • Should survival rates decrease as papers age? or, is there a bug in SIGGRAPH data? Survival rates do not necessarily decrease, since both the denominator (# of papers with age X and above) and the numerator (# of papers cited with the above) get smaller as we look at older papers. So there is no bug for SIGGRAPH, for 20 years, 635 papers cited 5 year+ out of a total of 1257, 50%; and for 5 years, 3820 papers cited 5 year+ out of a total of 9159, 42%. Or as one may say: older SIGGRAPH papers are arguably doing better than newer ones overall.
  • Why are the results different? The plot by Jacob show a 20-year survival rate of 20%, but yours show 40% for ACL? The source of citation data are different. The plot by Jacob counts citations to ACL papers from papers within ACL Anthology (i.e. within the natrual language processing community), but data in this analysis include citations by all academic publications (as tracked by MAG). In other words, after 20 years, 20% of ACL papers are only cited from outside its own community – this is quite good!

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You can either browse through a list of all conferences, or navigate using the conference list grouped by topical area below.

Machine learning

ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning (1987-2015) NIPS - Neural Information Processing Systems (1987-2015) UAI - Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1985-2014)

Natural Language processing

ACL - Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (1979-2015) EMNLP - Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (2000-2015) NAACL - North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (1991-2015)

Web, media, social, information retrieval and data mining

KDD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (1994-2015) WWW - International World Wide Web Conferences (1994-2015) WSDM - Web Search and Data Mining (2008-2015)
SIGIR - International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (1971-2015) CIKM - Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (1992-2015) ICWSM - International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (2007-2015)
SIGGRAPH - International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (1972-2015) MM - ACM Multimedia (1993-2015) ISMIR - International Symposium/Conference on Music Information Retrieval (2000-2014)

Human Computer Interaction

CHI - Human Factors in Computing Systems (1982 - 2015) UIST - User Interface Software and Technology (1991 - 2015) IUI - Intelligent User Interfaces (1991 - 2015)
CSCW - Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (1986 - 2015) ICMI - International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (1998 - 2014)

AI, robotics, planning

IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (1969 - 2015) IROS - Intelligent RObots and Systems (1988-2015) ICRA - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (1975-2016)
ICAPS - International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (2003-2014)

CS theory

STOC - Symposium on the Theory of Computing (1969-2015) FOCS - Foundations of Computer Science (1961-2015) SODA - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1990-2016)


SIGMOD - International Conference on Management of Data (1970-2015) VLDB - Very Large Data Bases (1975-2015) ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering (1984-2015)

Communications and networks

SIGCOMM - ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (1969 - 2015) SIGMETRICS - Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (1972 - 2015) IMC - Internet Measurement Conference (1990 - 2015)

Programming language and software

PLDI - Programming Language Design and Implementation (1987-2015) OOPSLA - Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (1987-2015) ICSE - International Conference on Software Engineering (1976-2015)

Computer vision

CVPR - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1982 - 2015) ICCV - International Conference on Computer Vision (1987-2015) ECCV - European Conference on Computer Vision (1990-2015)

Bioinformatics and computational biology

RECOMB - Research in Computational Molecular Biology (1996-2015) ISMB - Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (1993-2014) PSB - Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (1995-2015)

Signal and speech processing

<a href=>
	INTERSPEECH - Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (1988-2016) 
 <img align=center width=250 src="/img/citation/INTERSPEECH/INTERSPEECH_citation_survival.png">
<a href=>
	ISIT - International Symposium on Information Theory (1973-2015) 
 <img align=center width=250 src="/img/citation/ISIT/ISIT_citation_survival.png">
ICASSP - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (1976-2015)

Distributed computing

PODC - Principles of Distributed Computing (1982-2015) DISC - International Symposium on Distributed Computing (1998-2015)

Cryptography and systems

EUROCRYPT - Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques (1982-2015) CRYPTO - International Cryptology Conference (1982-2015) CHES - Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (1999-2014)

August 16, 2016
849 words

social media datasci graph citations
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